You are welcome to come along to any session, all sessions are mixed ages and abilities. Beginners and Juniors will only do the first hour.
All fees are paid to the club by standing order or by using our PayPal links page. No cash or cheques. Standing orders can be cancelled by you at any time. You are in complete control of the payments. Payments can be on any day of the month that suits you.
Every student must pay the annual insurance and administration fee of £15. This is collected from all members during start-up following your free taster session and only if you decide to join the club.
Grades are every three months depending on your ability and every six months after you achieve brown belt. Each grade costs £20 which includes your certificate and new belt.
Black belt grades are costed separately and by agreement with the instructors and association.
We have trade accounts with Blitz Sports and Cimac and generally our prices are 25% off the list price on their websites. (See the Link Page).