ATTACKER – Right Stance Junzuki No-tsukomi Jodan step up and right performing Gyakuzuki Chudan in No-tsukomi stance.
DEFENDER – Right Stance Move back and left block Soto Uke Jodan and cover your right ear in Tate Seishan stance. Move your left foot forward and left, block Chudan punch with right Nagashi Gedan Barai while performing left uppercut to Chudan twisting your body clockwise 90 degrees in Tate Seishan stance.
ATTACKER – Right Stance Junzuki No-tsukomi Jodan, Surikomi Sokuto Chudan
DEFENDER – Right Stance Moving back and left block Soto Uke Jodan and cover your right ear. Turn anti clockwise away from attack and block backwards with your right arm in reverse cat stance, keep fist closed. Turn back into attacker and perform left Shuto to the lower right side of spine and right first knuckle to bottom of right shoulder blade. (keep head down low, to avoid attackers elbow)
ATTACKER – Right Stance Junzuki No-tsukomi Jodan, half step back and Maegeri Chudan
DEFENDER – Right Stance Moving back and left block Soto Uke Jodan and cover your right ear. Move forward and punch simultaneously left middle finger Ipponken to attackers left knee and solar plexus.
ATTACKER – Left Stance Junzuki No-tsukomi Jodan, then right Gyakuzuki Jodan
DEFENDER – Right Stance Moving back and left without stepping block Soto Uke Jodan and cover your right ear. Move back twisting the body clockwise slightly to avoid the punch perform left Shuto Uchi Uke Jodan in Moshomen Nekoashi. Move forward along attacker’s arm covering with your left arm against counter attack. Strike right uppercut to ribs with middle finger Ipponken.
ATTACKER – Left Stance Junzuki No-tsukomi Jodan, then perform Gyakuzuki Chudan without stepping.
DEFENDER – Right Stance Moving back and left block Soto Uke Jodan and cover your right ear. Pull back your body avoiding Gyakuzuki Chudan punch and perform Otoshi Uke (dropping block) with your right hand (palm upwards) in Moshomen Nekoashi Dachi. Grab attacker’s right wrist with your left hand and strike right Ipponken to nose. Slide into horse stance and perform right Empi Chudan, draw back and wrist lock opponent using a circular motion with your arms held tight to your body. Turning anti clockwise throw attacker keeping close to attacker apply straight arm lock, next kneel on attacker’s right arm and perform Shuto Jodan. Secure attacker’s arm to the floor by holding left thumb on the attacker’s wrist and right thumb just above the elbow. Your thumbs pointing away from you and fingers are pressing on the floor. Your right leg is behind you and all your weight is on your left leg in a crouched position.
ATTACKER – Left Stance Junzuki No-tsukomi Jodan, Surikomi Sokuto Chudan and Gyakuzuki Jodan.
DEFENDER – Right Stance Moving back and left block Soto Uke Jodan and cover your right ear. Turn anti clockwise and left away from the Sokuto and block backwards and down with your right arm keeping fist closed. Twisting your body clockwise 180 degrees perform right hooking block and left uppercut to Chudan.
ATTACKER – Left Stance Junzuki No-tsukomi Jodan, half step back and Maegeri Chudan.
DEFENDER – Right Stance From right stance, move back and left block Soto Uke Jodan and cover your right ear. Move forward and to the right striking attacker under chin into throat with palm heal in Nagashizuki Dachi while blocking Gedan Barai with your left arm.
ATTACKER – Right Stance Junzuki No-tsukomi Chudan, then punch Jodan Gyakuzuki without stepping.
DEFENDER – Right Stance Shuffle back and block Chudan Uchi Uke. Drop the body down into horse stance and block right Empi Jodan. Strike down to attacker’s right thigh with right Ipponken, then right assisted Empi Chudan in horse stance. While pressing the attacker’s right arm to the chest with both hands move your right knee sharply to left.
ATTACKER – Right Stance Junzuki No-tsukomi Chudan, then punch Chudan Gyakuzuki without stepping.
DEFENDER – Right Stance Block Chudan Uchi Uke moving back and left. Avoid second punch by twisting the body clockwise and simultaneously blocking with right Soto Uke open handed and left uppercut to Chudan or Jodan if Chudan is covered.
ATTACKER – Right Stance Slide forward and punch Jodan Tobikomizuki, then punch Jodan Gyakuzuki without stepping.
DEFENDER – Right Stance Move back and left blocking with right Shuto Uke Jodan, with the same arm block Shuto Uke Jodan to the right. Strike palm heal to attacker’s left collar bone. Grab attackers left wrist with your right hand twisting it anti clockwise while performing left Shuto to groin in Gyakuzuki Dachi. Drop down to your left knee placing your left leg between your attacker’s legs pull down with your right hand and push your attackers left leg away with your left hand. Let your attacker hand go free as they perform the forward roll.